I’ve always wanted to be a cartoonist. Even as a college student, I managed to do a comic strip for a publication, and advertising cartoons for a car dealership.
After getting a B.A. at Arizona State College, I attended Art Center school in L.A. until drafted and spent two years in N.Y. at the Army Signal Corps Pictorial Center in Queens, New York working on animated training material. Upon discharge, I stayed in N.Y. and got an M.A. in Art Education at C.C.N.Y.
Since then, I’ve taught drawing, painting, commercial art and cartooning in New York, Phoenix and Dallas on the secondary and college levels. I went on to get an M.S. and Ph.D., interned at the Parkland Medical School in Dallas, TX, and had a very successful practice as a licensed Clinical Psychologist in Dallas.
Now that I’m retired, I’m busier than ever having fun doing cartoons for two publications, being a participant in a senior citizen acting group, and taking part in various political activities. When I can, I put in time on a 2nd novel and 3rd screenplay.

“A blind reading of the plays”