National Cartoonists Society membership is open to all creative professionals who earn a substantial part of their income working in the fields of cartooning, illustration, animation and graphic storytelling.
Membership is not restricted to North American cartoonists – NCS ranks include members from as far afield as the U.K., Australia, Chile, Korea, Spain and Japan.
Potential members must be of good reputation and their work should be of professional quality, as reviewed by the Membership Committee.
We are an organization of esteemed peers and we welcome new members. If you are unsure whether you may qualify for NCS membership, or whether the NCS is the organization for you, feel free to contact one of the regional chapters.
There are four classes of membership in The National Cartoonists Society:
REGULAR MEMBERS are professional cartoonists, the quality of whose work has been judged and approved by the Membership Committee.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERS are those individuals who work as professionals in the cartooning industry or whose expression of interest has been established.
HONORARY MEMBERS are cartoonists, surviving spouses or patrons of the art for whom the Society desires to express its esteem and appreciation.
RETIRED MEMBERSHIP is granted to existing members 65 years of age and older and retired.
Application must include a short biographical sketch and samples of current work bearing a signature. You may also include links to your portfolio online. Once membership is approved, you will be provided with a link to pay your membership fee via credit card online.
As of 2019, it is no longer mandatory to procure two letters from two existing NCS members for your membership application. It does help, however. We always encourage artists who are interested in joining to find their local NCS regional chapter chair (here) and introduce yourself to get an idea of the next cartoonist gathering in your area. You do not have to be a member to attend the first two of these meet-ups.
A candidate is eligible for membership when accepted by a unanimous vote of the Membership Committee.
If you are a professional cartoonist and are interested in applying for a Regular Membership, or work in an allied field and feel you would qualify for one of the limited number of Associate Memberships, please contact:
Greg Cravens, Membership Chair
312 N. McLean Blvd
Memphis, TN 38112

Artwork by Luke McGarry
The National Cartoonists Society, the world’s largest and most prestigious organization of professional cartoonists, is delighted to announce a new program designed to help and encourage young cartoonists who are at the outset of their careers.
Nicknamed “The 27 Club,” the Young Professional Program offers cartoonists and creators under the age of 28 the chance to join the hallowed ranks of the NCS at a massively discounted membership rate of only $27 per year!
This initiative gives young cartoonists the opportunity to mingle and network with many of the most accomplished creators in cartooning today, pick their brains, benefit from their wisdom, learn from their successes and mistakes … and then elbow all the old fogeys out of the way! For the annual price of seven Grande Lattes at Starbucks you will receive:
• Full membership in the NCS with all privileges and benefits!
• The bi-monthly newsletter The Cartoon!st!
• Invitations to regional chapter events and parties!
• Access to the “Oscars of Cartooning,” the annual Reuben Awards Weekend!
• The ability to schedule appearances at the NCS booth at major North American comic conventions and festivals such as Comic-Con San Diego, WonderCon, and New York Comic Con, to meet your fans and sell your wares FREE OF CHARGE!
• Discounts on products from cartooning-related companies like Wacom and more!
If you are a professional cartoonist under the age of 28 having some degree of commercial success, and are on your way toward becoming an established pro, e-mail the National Cartoonists Society today at to receive a special membership application!
Thanks, and we look forward to meeting you!
Hector Cantu, Chair NCS/Texas
Milburn Taylor, Vice-Chair NCS/Texas