The National Cartoonists Society is presenting Texas Cartoonists member Bill Hinds with the Gold T-Square award to honor his 50 years as a professional cartoonist, creating and sustaining the syndicated daily comic strip Tank McNamara

Recognized for its sharp humor and insightful takes on sports and celebrity culture, Tank McNamara debuted Aug. 5th, 1974 with Hinds as artist and co-creator Jeff Millar as writer. Millar passed away in 2012 and Hinds has continued the strip as both writer and artist. Centering on the life and experiences of title character Tank McNamara, a professional football player turned sportscaster, the strip blends satire with sports commentary using an evolving cast of characters and the inclusion of caricatures of real-world athletes and individuals. While it often pokes fun at the world of athletics and the culture surrounding it, storylines have also touched on real-life issues like gambling addiction, athlete salaries and drug abuse. In addition to Tank McNamara, Hinds has created spin-off and stand-alone work published in a variety of mediums. 

The National Cartoonists Society and Texas Cartoonists are honored to celebrate Bill’s dedication to cartooning and his extraordinary 50 year career with Tank McNamara.  Congratulations, Bill!