Sorensen Named Pulitzer Finalist

A big Texas congratulations to recent chapter member
Jen Sorensen for being named a finalist for the 2017 Pulitzer Prize in Editorial Cartooning. Jen’s work appears in a variety of USA publications, including The Progressive, The Nation, Ms. Magazine, Politico,  Daily Kos, Fusion, MAD, Nickelodeon, The Los Angeles Times, The Austin Chronicle, and The Village Voice. Jen was one of only two finalists this year. Miami Herald editorial cartoonist Jim Morin took the 2017 Pulitzer Prize in Editorial Cartooning.

View Jen’s website here:


Finally, we’re getting back online after being hit with ransomware last year!

As members update their information you’ll discover
(or re-discover) some amazing talent.

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Border to Border Talent for Hire!