We’re very excited to introduce you to Janee Trasler, our newest member. Janee is a writer, illustrator and pupeteer. Check out her page on this site, you’ll love her work!
We’re very excited to introduce you to Janee Trasler, our newest member. Janee is a writer, illustrator and pupeteer. Check out her page on this site, you’ll love her work!
Miguel Aguilar (Miggy) has one of his designs on www.darkmattermagazine.com. Look for it under the SHOP link.
Pretty Cool!
Texas Cartoonist member Kevin Middleton was recently honored to be interviewed on Art Rendezvous by Kritka. His interview is the second half of the video. Great going Kevin!!
YouTube link: Virtual Art Exhibit /Art Show – “Meet several new artists in every episode, learn about their inspiring journeys and their art style. You can also buy available art!! Get inspired as we uncover secrets from these creative souls.“
New political cartoons from Dick Collier have been added to his page. His drawings appear every Saturday in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Texas).
Jerry Weiss is an AWARD-WINNING Cartoonist – AGAIN!
He just won two more 1st place awards and a 2nd place award from the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association!
Congratulations Jerry!!
Our newest Texas Chapter member is well-known and multi-talented. We welcome him and look forward to his being a part of the Texas Cartoonists!
Check out his page https://texascartoonists.com/michael-fry/
Brandon’s “The After Death” drawings brings a fun and unique perspective to the Texas Cartoonists Chapter. He didn’t start seriously drawing comics until 2019 when he decided to write and draw a different comic-zine a month for the entire year. That was the ignition switch that lit his fire to draw comics again. Check out Brandon’s page!
Read about Jerry Weiss, PhD and his fascinating career. He brings a wide variety of art and educational skills to our group. A licensed Clinical Psycholgist and cartoonist, Jerry brings new insights and humor into our daily lives. He’s available for special projects too!
Be sure to check out Jerry’s page here.
Hey all, the show is all hung and I’m told it looks awesome! Thanks to you for making it happen!
Hector Cantu
NCS Texas Chapter Chair
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 16, 2020 – 7 to 9 pm –Please Invite Family, friends, colleagues (they plan for a minimum of 75 guests)
What City of Keller will provide:The Public Arts Program provides sandwiches, cookies, bottled water, and all necessary paper and plastic ware including cups and opener for wine.
What Texas Cartoonists will provide: Group will provide finger food, wine or beer.
See you there!
Google map link:
One of the great advantages of being a member of the Texas Cartoonists is attending the annual get-together with members from around the state. Well, it’s that time again. If you’re interested in joining the group please contact Hector Cantu, our chapter chair. If you’re already a member, be sure to plan on attending the event on August 3rd.